Jamaica, Manchester, Christiana, Music, Dancehall, Reggae, Blog, 13thStreetPromotions, 13thStreetPromo, Lila Ike, In.Digg.Nation, Where I'm Coming From, Music Video, Caribbean

.@LilaIkeJA Takes It Back To Her Hometown Of Christiana In “Where I’m Coming From”!

Looking back at the past can’t always be a bad thing as it aids in your growth, and shows how much your life has improved along the way. Lila Ike has come a long way however, and today she lets us in on her journey on “Where I’m Coming From“! With a visual directed by Nickii Kane and Lila, Lila went back to her hometown of Christiana, Manchester (Manchester’s the home of this Blog 😄) to reconnect and built a vibe with friends, family, the In.Digg.Nation team, and Chi Ching Ching! The visual also shows a younger Lila Ike during her Manchester High School (Sic Luceat Lux) days where was seen assisting the School Choir, performing at her graduation, and interacting with friends. With Lila, you know the fashion will come out as she rocked various hairstyles and outfits throughout.

With solid singles out, Lila Ike is continuing her path in being one of the upcoming greats in recent years. Regardless of where she is in life, she’ll always give thanks to The Most High for the blessings and the strength throughout. Be on the lookout for Lila Ike as she’ll be performing in a town near you soon on her headlining European Tour! Lila Ike EP on the way too.

Check out the video below, and share with a friend. Show us some love/follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @13thStreetPromo.

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